Writing about the bleeps and the bloops

Devlog #1

Long time no see! Like a lot of blogs, I had no actual stuff to post about... And that's gonna change for a while! However writing is still something I like to do and sharing links is almost a daily practice for me. That's why I will try to post every two weeks or so. Most of my pet projects being currently "paused", I'll probably list contents from other places on the internet I found interesting. I secrectly hope this will motivate me to get back to work to those projects and share with you my bugs and fixes!

Reads 📖

  • Jack Danger, the blog. I discovered Jack Danger a month ago. His articles clicked so much with my feelings about how my previous (and current) engineering orgs are wokring I almost immediately shared it to most of direct coworkers with a simple question: "Do you feel the same way?". I'm a huge fan of Will Larson and Jack Danger's work is somehow even closer to my experiences and my feelings when speaking about engineering orgs.

Tools 🛠️

  • cocogitto. Since a few months I'm using more and more standardized conventions to commit and automate most of my workflow around git. When I found about cocogitto I was a bit skeptical about what it could bring to my day-to-day experience especially because it asks to use "another" tool to git. My hooks were here and they seemed to be enough to cover all of my needs. However after a few weeks I'm quite happy about it. It creates a dedicated context switch to craft nice commit messages and helps me respect the conventions I try to use.

Snippets 🧩

# Regex to validate the type pattern
REGEX="^((Merge[ a-z-]* branch.*)|(Revert*)|((build|chore|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test)(\(.*\))?!?: .*))"

FILE=`cat $1` # File containing the commit message

echo "Commit Message: ${FILE}"

if ! [[ $FILE =~ $REGEX ]]; then
	echo >&2 "ERROR: Commit aborted for not following the Conventional Commit ( standard.​"
	exit 1
	echo >&2 "Valid commit message."