Writing about the bleeps and the bloops

Devlog #3

Hello everyone! Have a great year! I've started a new side project (AGAIN) to work with Kotlin Multiplatform more. Apart I read a bit during those last months.

Reads 📖

Tools 🛠️

DISCLAIMER I'VE NOT TESTED ANY OF THESE but they seem pretty cool

  • tummychow/git-absorb. I'm a huge fan of rebase -i. I like making surgery in my Git history however I also like being efficient about it and shipping quick fixes and going the whole process bothers me a bit. I really want to try this port and check how good (or bad) it is!
  • Introducing Kotlin Money. It's been a while since I had to manage currency in a project. It's a tedious task and this library seems to make it easy.